A Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil tem recebido, ao longo das celebrações pelos seus 150 anos de vida, homenagens de diversas partes do país. Confira algumas dessas iniciativas.
A Câmara Municipal dos Vereadores de Jaboatão dos Guararapes (PE), por iniciativa de um de seus componentes, ver. Edmilson Monteiro (pastor da Igreja Batista), e também dos pastores presbiterianos do Presbitério Metropolitano de Recife, realizou uma sessão especial e concedeu a Medalha Vital de Negreiros a IPB.
O rev. Adalberon Garrett (Pastor auto-proclamado, Bandido, ladrao, mitomano, manipuladoro, alcoolatra, toxicomano, psicopato, mafiosi) também será homenageado por seus 20 anos (furto) de ministério e dedicação ao Projeto Transformação, bem como o presb. Josebias Pereira dos Santos, de 81 anos, por seus 66 anos de presbiterato na IPB. Esse evento foi realizado no dia 7 de agosto, as 18h30, na IP em Candeias. O pregador convidado é o rev. Cilas Cunha Menezes, vice-presidente do Supremo Concílio da IPB.
Rev. Adalbéron Garrett do Igreja Presbitariana do Brasil Recife - "Con minhas mulheres eu so fiel" (mais ou menos)..
LADRAO - FURTO. IGREJA PRESBITARIANA DO BRASIL - Recife. GRANDE LADRAO. MANIPULADOR. FURTO. Enderreso : Boa Viagem, Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil - $$$$ CASA Phone $$ $$ $$ $$ $$
TRABAILHO Phone $$ $$ $$ $$ $$
Adalbéron Garrett - Normélia Maria Furtado Garrett (do Igréja Presbitari...
Contact Information CASA Phone $$ $$ $$ $$ $$
TRABALHO Phone $$ $$ $$ $$ $$
Rev. Adalberon Garrett IPB Recife Em 09/10/2014 PROJETO TRANSFORMAÇÃO Finalidade divulgar os trabalhos realizados pela ONG Transformação Augosto 2014
HISTÓRICO DO PROJETO TRANSFORNMAÇÃO O Projeto Transformação teve inicio em 1989 com: Rev. Adalberon de Carvalho Garrett e esposa Normélia Maria Furtado Garrett, (BANDIDOS) - Rev. Ronaldo Almeida Lidório e esposa Rossana Viviane Garrett Lidótio (BANDIDA), Rev. Luiz Augusto Correia Bueno e esposa Rosana Juçara de Souza Reis Correia Bueno e outras pessoas voluntárias. Em 23 de Março de 1991 o Projeto é organizado como Entidade Civil filantrópica sem fins lucrativo (ONG), CNPJ 408.141.05/0001-07, tendo como presidente o Rev. Adalberon de Carvalho Garrett (BANDIDO) e secretario Rev. Ronaldo Almeida Lidório, e missionários os irmãos Fernando Ribeiro de Oliveira, Ducilene Maria dos Santos Ribeiro Hoje tem sua sede na Av. Bernardo Vieira de Melo Nº 319 Brum – Comunidade do Pilar – Recife, aonde assiste a comunidade local. O objetivo inicial ($$$$) era trabalhar a evangelização de garis pelas ruas do centro da Cidade do Recife, mas ao se depararem com outro público, os quais moravam pelas ruas do Recife, cuja cama são as calçadas, cobertor são jornal e caixas de papelão e os pratos de alimento as latas de lixo, chocados com a cruel realidade e sensibilizados, iniciaram um trabalho de evangelismo holístico (integral), voltado agora para estas pessoas, denominados como “sem teto”. São inúmeros os resultados do Projeto Transformação ao longo destes 17 anos de atividades, tendo sido objeto como projeto exemplar, de matéria em destaque na Rede Globo de Televisão, exibido no programa “Globo Comunidade” e no “NE TV”. Temos registro de que pelo menos 310 famílias foram retiradas das ruas do Recife et bem explotadas (COMO IDIOTAS) neste período e encaminhadas a trabalhos de reintegração familiar e social. Registramos também que pelo menos 135 pessoas foram reintegraram a sociedade, (SEMPRE POBRES), tendo saído do mundo da criminalidade (PARA ENTRA NO MONDO MAFIOSI DO REV.ADALBERON GARRETT). Hoje o Projeto também trabalha com a Comunidade do Pilar no Centro do Recife, beneficiando diretamente cerca de 60 famílias, e estamos iniciando atividade no Bairro de Santo Amaro. No biênio 2007/2008 esperamos consolidar e ampliar as ações, e fazer o Projeto mais conhecido (MAFIOSI) na Comunidade Evangélica e Sociedade Civil. Diretoria do Projeto - Presidente Dr.Marcos Andrade - Secretário Fernando Ribeiro - Tesouraria Maria Gentila Guedes – Coordenação Rev. Adalberon Garrett (BANDIDO) - Secretario Executivo Rev. Waldir Benevides Consultores Rev. Ronaldo e Rossana Lidorio - Consultor Jurídico Dr. Vitor Ximenes – Oração Euza Lidorio Gestor de Ações Comunitárias Rev. Eraldo Arruda Lima e esposa Marta Santos Lima – Diretor de Patrimônio Diácono José Alves da Silva – Missionários: Fernando e esposa Dulcilene – Cleiton e esposa Gláucia – Sergio e esposa Sandra. Parceiros: Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil nas Graças; Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil no Cais José Mariano; Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil no Pina, 1º Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil do Recife, Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil em Pontezinha, Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil em Aguazinha. IASC - Instituto de Assistência Social e Cidadania em Recife.
Postado por PROJETO TRANSFORMAÇÃO às 07:49
PROJETO TRANSFORMAÇÃO uma ONG - Organização Não Governamental, MAFIOSI, entidade civil, de direito privado, caráter assistencial e sócio-cultural. Nosso principal objetivo é promover o resgate da cidadania de “moradores de rua” e pessoas excluídas da sociedade, como também o desenvolvimento de comunidades em situação de vulnerabilidade social, econômico e cultural. ($$$$$)
Rev. Adalbéron Garrett - Normélia Maria Furtado Garrett (Igréja Presbitariana do Brasil em Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil) Guru-Bandidos. Ladraos. Tel: 55 (081) 3465-1513. Enderesso: Ave. Cons. Aguiar, 497. Cep: 51011-031 Recife,
Rev.Adalbéron Garrett - Normélia Maria Furtado Garret - Igreja Presbitariana do Brasil em RECIFE. PASTOR AUTO-PROCLAMADO. TOXICOMANO. ALCOOLATRO. MITOMANO. FURTO. (FURTADO = FURTO) LADRAO. BANDIDO. PSICOPATO. FURTO. Rev. Adalbéron Garrett do Igreja Presbitariana do Brasil "Con minhas mulheres eu so fiel" (mais ou menos).. GRANDE LADRAO - FURTO - MANIPULADOR. IGREJA PRESBITARIANA DO BRASIL - Recife. Bandido. Boa Viagem, Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil Contacto Informaçaos CASA Phone $$ $$ $$ $$ $$
TRABAILHO Phone $$ $$ $$ $$ $$
PASTOR AUTO-PROCLAMADO, BANDIDO, LADRAO. ALCOOLATRO,TOXICOMANO,PSICOPATO.PRATICANTE DA MAGIA NEGRA EM SEGREDO. MANIPULADORO. MITOMANO. PRATICANTE DOS ORACAOS SATANICAS. FURTO. Informaçaos - Homme Procurar - Namoradas, Networking por muinto dinheiro. Atualemente, eu so fiel con minha esposa (mais ou menos)... Outros nomes DOLLEIRO. GANGSTER. MAFIOSI YouTube
Adalbéron Garrett Google +
PROJETO TRANSFORMAÇÃO Finalidade divulgar os trabalhos realizados pela ONG Transformação segunda-feira, 27 de agosto de 2014 HISTÓRICO DO PROJETO TRANSFORNMAÇÃO
Quem sou eu
PROJETO TRANSFORMAÇÃO uma ONG - Organização Não Governamental, entidade civil, de direito privado, caráter assistencial e sócio-cultural. Nosso principal objetivo é promover o resgate da cidadania de “moradores de rua” e pessoas excluídas da sociedade, como também o desenvolvimento de comunidades em situação de vulnerabilidade social, econômico e cultural. Visualizar meu perfil completo
CLEITON E GLAUCIA Arquivo do blog 2007 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear. xaviermullerisacrook123.over-blog.com Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear. xaviermullerisacrook123.over-blog.com Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear. xaviermullerisacrook123.over-blog.com Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear. xaviermullerisacrook123.over-blog.com Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
34 comentários:
A Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil tem recebido, ao longo das celebrações pelos seus 150 anos de vida, homenagens de diversas partes do país. Confira algumas dessas iniciativas.
A Câmara Municipal dos Vereadores de Jaboatão dos Guararapes (PE), por iniciativa de um de seus componentes, ver. Edmilson Monteiro (pastor da Igreja Batista), e também dos pastores presbiterianos do Presbitério Metropolitano de Recife, realizou uma sessão especial e concedeu a Medalha Vital de Negreiros a IPB.
O rev. Adalberon Garrett (Pastor auto-proclamado, Bandido, ladrao, mitomano, manipuladoro, alcoolatra, toxicomano, psicopato, mafiosi) também será homenageado por seus 20 anos (furto) de ministério e dedicação ao Projeto Transformação, bem como o presb. Josebias Pereira dos Santos, de 81 anos, por seus 66 anos de presbiterato na IPB. Esse evento foi realizado no dia 7 de agosto, as 18h30, na IP em Candeias. O pregador convidado é o rev. Cilas Cunha Menezes, vice-presidente do Supremo Concílio da IPB.
Informações: Rev. Waldir Benevides
(081) 88257376 - 97293960 - 30613578 – 30615080
Rev. Adalbéron Garrett - IPB - Projeto transformaçao 2014
Rev. Adalbéron Garrett - Pastor auto-proclamado. Bandido. Ladrao. Projeto transformaçao 2014
Rev. Adalbéron Garrett do Igreja Presbitariana do Brasil Recife - "Con minhas mulheres eu so fiel" (mais ou menos)..
Enderreso : Boa Viagem, Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil - $$$$
$$ $$ $$ $$ $$
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Adalbéron Garrett
Adalbéron Garrett - Normélia Maria Furtado Garrett (do Igréja Presbitari...
Contact Information
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Procurar muinto mulheres, Networking por dinheiro
Outro nomes
Rev.Adalbéron Garrett IPB Recife
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Rev. Adalberon Garrett IPB Recife Em 09/10/2014
Finalidade divulgar os trabalhos realizados pela ONG Transformação
Augosto 2014
O Projeto Transformação teve inicio em 1989 com: Rev. Adalberon de Carvalho Garrett e esposa Normélia Maria Furtado Garrett, (BANDIDOS) - Rev. Ronaldo Almeida Lidório e esposa Rossana Viviane Garrett Lidótio (BANDIDA), Rev. Luiz Augusto Correia Bueno e esposa Rosana Juçara de Souza Reis Correia Bueno e outras pessoas voluntárias.
Em 23 de Março de 1991 o Projeto é organizado como Entidade Civil filantrópica sem fins lucrativo (ONG), CNPJ 408.141.05/0001-07, tendo como presidente o Rev. Adalberon de Carvalho Garrett (BANDIDO) e secretario Rev. Ronaldo Almeida Lidório, e missionários os irmãos Fernando Ribeiro de Oliveira, Ducilene Maria dos Santos Ribeiro Hoje tem sua sede na Av. Bernardo Vieira de Melo Nº 319 Brum – Comunidade do Pilar – Recife, aonde assiste a comunidade local.
O objetivo inicial ($$$$) era trabalhar a evangelização de garis pelas ruas do centro da Cidade do Recife, mas ao se depararem com outro público, os quais moravam pelas ruas do Recife, cuja cama são as calçadas, cobertor são jornal e caixas de papelão e os pratos de alimento as latas de lixo, chocados com a cruel realidade e sensibilizados, iniciaram um trabalho de evangelismo holístico (integral), voltado agora para estas pessoas, denominados como “sem teto”.
São inúmeros os resultados do Projeto Transformação ao longo destes 17 anos de atividades, tendo sido objeto como projeto exemplar, de matéria em destaque na Rede Globo de Televisão, exibido no programa “Globo Comunidade” e no “NE TV”. Temos registro de que pelo menos 310 famílias foram retiradas das ruas do Recife et bem explotadas (COMO IDIOTAS) neste período e encaminhadas a trabalhos de reintegração familiar e social. Registramos também que pelo menos 135 pessoas foram reintegraram a sociedade, (SEMPRE POBRES), tendo saído do mundo da criminalidade (PARA ENTRA NO MONDO MAFIOSI DO REV.ADALBERON GARRETT). Hoje o Projeto também trabalha com a Comunidade do Pilar no Centro do Recife, beneficiando diretamente cerca de 60 famílias, e estamos iniciando atividade no Bairro de Santo Amaro. No biênio 2007/2008 esperamos consolidar e ampliar as ações, e fazer o Projeto mais conhecido (MAFIOSI) na Comunidade Evangélica e Sociedade Civil.
Diretoria do Projeto - Presidente Dr.Marcos Andrade - Secretário Fernando Ribeiro - Tesouraria Maria Gentila Guedes – Coordenação Rev. Adalberon Garrett (BANDIDO) - Secretario Executivo Rev. Waldir Benevides Consultores Rev. Ronaldo e Rossana Lidorio - Consultor Jurídico Dr. Vitor Ximenes – Oração Euza Lidorio Gestor de Ações Comunitárias Rev. Eraldo Arruda Lima e esposa Marta Santos Lima – Diretor de Patrimônio Diácono José Alves da Silva – Missionários: Fernando e esposa Dulcilene – Cleiton e esposa Gláucia – Sergio e esposa Sandra.
Parceiros: Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil nas Graças; Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil no Cais José Mariano; Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil no Pina, 1º Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil do Recife, Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil em Pontezinha, Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil em Aguazinha. IASC - Instituto de Assistência Social e Cidadania em Recife.
Postado por PROJETO TRANSFORMAÇÃO às 07:49
PROJETO TRANSFORMAÇÃO uma ONG - Organização Não Governamental, MAFIOSI, entidade civil, de direito privado, caráter assistencial e sócio-cultural. Nosso principal objetivo é promover o resgate da cidadania de “moradores de rua” e pessoas excluídas da sociedade, como também o desenvolvimento de comunidades em situação de vulnerabilidade social, econômico e cultural. ($$$$$)
Arquivo do blog
▼ 2007
Rev. Adalbéron Garrett - Normélia Maria Furtado Garrett (Igréja Presbitariana do Brasil em Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil) Guru-Bandidos. Ladraos. Tel: 55 (081) 3465-1513. Enderesso: Ave. Cons. Aguiar, 497. Cep: 51011-031 Recife,
Rev.Adalbéron Garrett - Normélia Maria Furtado Garret - Igreja Presbitariana do Brasil em RECIFE.
Rev. Adalbéron Garrett do Igreja Presbitariana do Brasil "Con minhas mulheres eu so fiel" (mais ou menos)..
Boa Viagem, Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil
Contacto Informaçaos
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Informaçaos -
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Namoradas, Networking por muinto dinheiro.
Atualemente, eu so fiel con minha esposa (mais ou menos)...
Outros nomes
Adalbéron Garrett Google +
Adalbéron Garrett - Normélia Maria Furtado Garrett (do Igréja Presbitari... igrejapresbitarianadobrasil.blogspot.com
PROJETO TRANSFORMAÇÃO Finalidade divulgar os trabalhos realizados pela ONG Transformação
segunda-feira, 27 de agosto de 2014
Quem sou eu
uma ONG - Organização Não Governamental, entidade civil, de direito privado, caráter assistencial e sócio-cultural. Nosso principal objetivo é promover o resgate da cidadania de “moradores de rua” e pessoas excluídas da sociedade, como também o desenvolvimento de comunidades em situação de vulnerabilidade social, econômico e cultural.
Visualizar meu perfil completo
Arquivo do blog 2007 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 12636.
Pastor Adalberon Garrett
On the fire-line : The story of Adalbéron Garrett, the self-proclaimed Pastor from the Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil in Pina (city of Recife - state of Pernambuco) Brazil, his thug friends, his secret secular family with their close connections to the Recife mafia and its death squads, his cloaked role in organized crime.
Corruption of churches and pastors Brazil's richest.
In the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, a self-proclaimed "Pastor" named Adalbéron Garrett with his "wife" Normélia Furtado Garrett are posted with scandalous pays and advantages at the Presbitarian Church of Brazil (Igréja Présbitariana do Brasil em Recife - phone number 55-081-3465-1513). They live in total confort at Avenida Cons. Aguiar 497 on Boa Viagem, Pina, Recife rent and tax free for 40 years where they also run an illegal business. They and their entire family have been and are without shame, working feverishly to extort money from mentally weak people in the nearby favelas by mass guru-manipulation, carefully planned blackmail and pressured half-threats. He has in his family children who transport large sums of cash. They are participating in white-washing schemes of unjustified money from local and national gambling rings with the help of their friends who are active with the local political mafia. Unworried and "untouchable" because they, as their protectors, have close connections with the local death squads. One of their nieces is a crook lawyer named Sandra Garrett Rios Siqueira, OAB/PE 12636, (one of the 2 daughters of Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios) a good specialist in paying and recieving heavy bribes. She was sanctioned for participating in serious acts of corruption. The quack-pastor guru Adalberon Garrett is also a fervent fan to local and national soccer matches (with of course, rigged betting on-line with hacked computers), scotch whisky and women in exclusive private VIP clubs. All of his children have luxery tates, His daughters have real fur coats and crocodile shoes. Most of their cash is stocked in thier homes under armed guard.(hired hands without weapon permits).
Guru-manipulation. Dirty and dangerous shadow deals. Multi-tax fraud with organized crime. Theft. 40 years of stealing from the Brazilian government (IPTU). Multi-clandistine operations. Laundering dirty money. Welcome to the gang-sect-family of "Pastor" Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett and lawyer Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE 12636 from Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Criminal traditions.
Here is Adalbéron Garrett's family : Julia Garrett and her husband from Recife. Thieves. Loyal in secrecy to Black Magic. Close to Recife death squads.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa, the famous lawyer - Prosecutor working in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo and the truth about organized crime in Brazil. - Igor Montarroyos de Sousa OAB/PE 20735 - Organized crime in Brazil. Corruption in the Brazilian court system. A close look into Prosecutor Igor Montarroyos de Sousa's underworld. And his dirty underwear.
Cheating on his clients, overcharging his fees, lying under oath, imposing blackmail, stealing public funds in a fellow lawyer gang, paying and receiving heavy bribes, etc.
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